At least two versions of this E.P. exist; a British one, featuring
the title track and two new songs (Rot 'n Roll and This is
Your Life), and a Japanese version. The latter includes the
same material and adds most of Tools of the
Trade, with the exception of Incarnate Solvent Abuse.
The E.P. sees Carcass back as a three-piece, following Amott's departure.
Track listing:
The E.P. is apparently now out of print. Also, Columbia originally intended it for release before the full-length Heartwork, but due to the limited success of Entombed's Hollowman E.P. that never happened.
The E.P. tracks are also available on Wake Up And Smell The Carcass.
The first hundred Japanese Heartwork E.P.'s came with a signed 'panel'.